Some of the cats we have helped :
The most vulnerable kittens need round the clock care.
These kittens were abandoned in a basket at the back of a shop! Our volunteers rushed them in and provided 24 hour care and bottle feeding. Once they are old enough, these kittens will be very popular with potential new owners!
We much prefer to look after litters of kittens with their mum so if you are stuggling, please get in touch! Abandoning helpless kittens does not need to happen. We can also neuter any mum a few short weeks after the kittens are born to avoid another litter.

Cats young and old need rehoming.
Oscar's owners needed to move house and their new landlord did not allow cats. Due to the move being so soon they could not wait for a rescue with a waiting list. Helping Hands Cat Rescue took him in and looked after him for a short while until a rehoming centre from one of the national animal charities was able to accommodate him.
We also rehome some cats ourselves. This involves a home visit from one of our volunteers. Cats are neutered, chipped and flea and worm treated.
Feral and Stray Cats are the most desperate for our help!
Our volunteers often step in when a feral colony is reported in the area. This is rescue work that requires skill and experience. The main priority is to neuter these cats.
Some feral cats live in unsafe conditions, like an industrial estate or near a busy road and we rehome them to one of our farms or smallholdings.
If you are able to take on a couple of neutered and vet-checked feral cats to keep the mice down on your property, we would love to hear from you! We will provide support and explain exactly what is involved and what you would need to do.
This TNR job involved a colony of cats and kittens all descended from one abandoned unneutered female! The person who contacted us was happy to feed the adult cats one meal per day once they were all neutered so they were able to return to their known territory.
Once a feral cat is more than 12 weeks old, it is too late to get them used to humans.
Some of the kittens were young enough to be socialised by one of our fosterers and they were able to be rehomed as family pets.